
Tom's Story

Click photo for Tom's story.

At this stage of life, you are thinking about what you will do when you no longer go to a job every day and how you will live on a reduced income.

Your SSA will assist you in finding daily activities, help you live within your means, and stay involved in your community. We will continue regular meetings and evaluations of your needs.

Habilitation services, also called adult day services, include social, leisure, and recreational activities that enhance an individual’s quality of life, and are provided in a variety of settings. These activities may include personal care, skill reinforcement, training in self-determination, wellness training, volunteering, and community inclusion. These services are offered by a number of quality providers in Clark County. All providers of center-based services are certified by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and their services are influenced by the goals and supports outlined in each person’s Individual Service Plan. If you are interested, your SSA can assist you in finding a day service that’s right for you.

Aging brings different challenges into your life and our SSAs will be here to help you find support for physical changes, personal care, and end-of-life decisions. We will also help you stay connected in your community and maintain a high quality of life. Some services we provide during this life stage include:

  • Help finding staffing and care;
  • Nursing home screenings to determine if you are more suited for an ICF or a nursing home
  • Burial planning
  • DNR forms

We also assist with finding transportation to help people access habilitation and vocational resources. Developmental Disabilities offers a transportation service, as do some habilitation and vocational service providers. In addition, we have agreements with SCAT (Springfield City Area Transit), Clark County Jobs and Family Services’ WorkPlus program, Salvation Army’s Hand in Hand program, and other local transportation providers. Contact your SSA for assistance in arranging habilitation or vocational transportation.


Eligibility for services is determined using guidelines established by the State of Ohio. More Information about Eligibility.

Paying for Services

If you or a family member is able to afford the care and services you need, you can pay for them yourself.

Many services for adults are funded through Medicaid waivers. Waivers provide funding to people who would otherwise be in a nursing home in order for them to be able to live successfully in the community. There are many factors that determine eligibility for waivers, such as the type and extent of disability, the prognosis, and financial assets. Each waiver provides different types of services. Currently, no waivers are available.

In Clark County, 60% of funding for waivers is provided by the Federal government, and 40% is provided by the generosity of our community through the Developmental Disabilities of Clark County tax levy.

If you are still living with family and do not have a waiver, you may be eligible for some funding through the Family Needs Assistance program (FNA). FNA covers such services as respite care, adaptive equipment, home modifications, and some therapies. Contact your SSA for help in applying for this funding.